Following the success of the HypoxiaNet meeting in Essen last year, Don Whitley Scientific will be attending the next event – 8 to 12 June 2013 – in Oulu, Finland. With a host of international speakers lined up, the subject of this year’s meeting is ‘Dealing with hypoxia: regulatory aspects in cells, tissues and organisms‘ -
“Hypoxia can be life threatening – for cells and the organism. To adequately respond to the shortage of oxygen cells have to sense changes in their ambient oxygen concentration. How are changes in a physical parameter, i.e. the pO2, translated into a biological response such as modulation of gene expression?”
The aim of the meeting is to highlight and discuss the latest developments in the broad field of hypoxia response. This is the second international congress arranged by the network following the Oxygen 2011 meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
The program of the 2013 meeting will include keynote lectures, short talks selected from submitted abstracts and a training school session.
Don Whitley Scientific will have a Hypoxystation at the meeting and our representatives: Fergus Murray (Product Engineering Manager), Sally Shelton (Export Manager) and Alun Kitsell (Export Sales) will be on hand to answer questions about the workstation.
For further details on the meeting or to book a place, please visit the event website.